St. Andrew's CofE (aided) Primary School

  1. School Life
  2. Community
  3. Donate a Day

Break Out Days at St. Andrew's - Donate a Day

We are very proud to share a well-established tradition at St. Andrew's called Break Out Days. During these special days, the children 'break out' of the curriculum and they donate their time, love and energy into helping others in a series of 'Donate-a-Day' events.

Each year group is matched up with a local charity and the children learn all about their linked charity's important work through assemblies and workshops, and then 'give back' in a number of ways.

Our Break Out Days are a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn new skills and take part in other activities, in and outside of school. They are an important part of our school vision and values and curriculum. 

Examples of previous year Donate a Day activities can be found here.