St. Andrew's CofE (aided) Primary School

  1. School Life
  2. Curriculum
  3. Subjects
  4. Reading & Phonics
  5. Reading Passport

Reading Passport

The St. Andrew’s Reading Passports have been designed to inspire children to read a range of brilliant literature as they make their way through school. We have taken time to carefully select the texts for each year group to ensure that children encounter both modern and classic texts; a variety of genres and topics; and characters and themes from diverse backgrounds. 

To complete their reading passport for the year, children will need to read at least 6 of their 10 year group texts. Of course, all children learn to read and develop fluency at different rates, and some children might find their year group’s texts too challenging. However, the books can be read aloud by parents and carers, or listened to by audiobook.

When a book has been completed, children answer questions or talk prompts and bring the passport into school for a signature. When they have 6 signatures, they will earn their passport ‘stamp’ for the year.

The school has copies of each text which children can sign out from the school library. However, the year group books can also be borrowed from libraries or bought online or in bookstores. If parents / carers do purchase any of the books and would like to donate them after children have finished we would be very grateful.

This year's reading list for all year groups can be found here 

Year group passports can be downloaded here:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6